Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Who is Mary Wilson and why is a branch of OC Public Libraries named after her?

I’m fascinated by how people make a name for themselves.  For some, it’s for a bad reason (e.g., the Unibomber, Ted Kasinsky); for some it’s for no apparent reason (e.g., Kardashian); and for others, it’s for a good reason (e.g., Mary Wilson).

I started working at the Mary Wilson Library in Seal Beach, one of 33 branches in the OC Public Libraries system, earlier this year, and from the start wondered who is Mary Wilson, and why is the branch named after her? This blog attempts to provide you with a few facts in case you’ve been wondering the same thing!

The Seal Beach Library was one of the first branches of the Orange County Public Library system, becoming a branch of OCPL in 1921.  The current location, 707 Electric Avenue, has been the home of the library since 1978.  Mary Wilson served as the head librarian of the branch between 1943 and 1973.  Over those thirty plus years, the branch grew enormously and Mary Wilson facilitated the growth in the collection, services, and space requirements making it an important part of the Seal Beach community. “A Story of Seal Beach” by Jean B. Dorr includes information about libraries in Seal Beach and Mary Wilson.

From what I read about Mary Wilson, she gave of herself in such an extraordinary way that earned her love and respect, so much so, that it resulted in the town, county, and library administrators taking the steps to name the library after her in 1973.  The staff at the Mary Wilson Library branch are proud to be working in the Seal Beach community and hope to provide the same high level of service as Mary Wilson!

The facts in this blog are attributable to articles archived by the Seal Beach Historical and Cultural Society.  The opinions expressed are those of the blog author.



Thursday, September 7, 2017


With summer being over, it might seem like you no longer have the chance for adventurous travels. Children and students are back in school; life settles back into normalcy. However, your wanderlust can be achieved by diving into a good book or film. Read one of our recommendations or view the film version. Either way, jumping into a good book or film is a great way to ride out that summer feeling.

First stop, the Amazon Jungle.
“Civilization has a relatively precarious hold upon us and there is an undoubted attraction in a life of absolute freedom once it has been tasted. The ‘call o’ the wild’ is in the blood of many of us and finds its safety valve in adventure.” – David Grann in The Lost City of Z

Want to share Percy Fawcett’s “thrilling, dangerous journey into the jungle, and what he found on his quest for the lost city of Z” with your child from the comfort of your own home? Then check out this juvenile biography on the famous Amazon explorer.

If you’re short on time spend the weekend watching the movie.

Travel back in time to Scotland, 1743.

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
Follow former World War II British combat nurse, Claire Randall through a story that intertwines history, fantasy, adventure and romance. This is a tale for the ages.

The library also carries the television series! Check them out at a location near you.  

Travel the galaxy.

If science fiction is more your thing, follow Arthur Dent, last surviving Earthling, as he travels the galaxy meeting interesting characters along the way.

Journey through Middle-Earth to the Misty Mountains.

Track Bilbo Baggins’ adventures through Middle-Earth as he aides Gandalf, Thorin and company to steal back treasure watched over by the dragon, Smaug.

If binge-watching is more your style, try The Hobbit movies, beginning with first film The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, and working your way through the next two films.

Summer is a time where most people find themselves whisking away on vacation, escaping the humdrum of weekly routine. However, the end of summer does not mean the end of adventuring. Pick up one of these recommended books, or DVDs, at your local library to breakout from the ordinary. Adventure on and travel to a new destination from the comfort of your favorite reading nook.